A reflective personal experience!

Igniting Youth
2 min readOct 18, 2020

Sometimes, life grabs us and throws us into the last situation we would imagine ourselves to be in. Oh! Did I mention that there is no age limit either? For all of you that are in the middle of a sticky situation, that you really don’t know how to react to or handle, this is for you.

Imagine a 6-year-old Indian girl, in a first-grade classroom in the United States of America. Yep, that was me. I was constantly moving around the country so I guess you could call me the constant “New girl”. Picture this, one month into the first grade, the school principal comes in and announces that I will be moving to another classroom. I get moved into kindergarten, which is a grade below first grade, with unknown students and teachers. My parents were told that I would be given some time to adjust and they would monitor my response. I spent a lot of time crying, running back to my old classroom, and being sad. doesn’t this sound like a huge injustice to be faced by a six-year-old? Well, let me quickly tell you why all of this had to take place.

My basics were drastically weak, Because of all of the moving around and changing schools I was unable to grasp the concepts in school because of the constant uprooting and moving. After years, when I think about this I realize that I was lucky enough to have teachers who noticed my struggles in the classroom and saw potential in me rather than deeming me as a student with no potential. Of course, this decision had been taken after much contemplation and approval from my parents. as a kid, I thought this was an act of extreme injustice. Eventually, I adjusted and began to enjoy my surroundings. my basics became as strong as concrete and I made quite a few friends. I could have thrown a tantrum and made my teachers keep me in the first grade. I am glad that I didn’t. I remember the first few weeks being extremely uncomfortable as I saw my old classmates having fun while I was an alien on a new planet. The reason I wanted to share this with all of you, was because, Sometimes, we tend to make ourselves feel like we will never escape a situation that is foreign or uncomfortable to us. Sometimes, it is best to embrace it. The uncomfortable situation I went through, has made me who I am and also made me realize that sometimes it’s best to step out of your own comfort zone for your own self-development and betterment,

having those uncomfortable conversations to show people what you feel and think is also very important. So let’s get uncomfortable, shall we?

Author: Diya Sharma

